“Numb the dark and you numb the light.” BrenĂ© Brown , Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead Why do we battle ourselves every day? What are we hiding, stuffing, or avoiding? This is something I am trying to figure out and have been for years (25 years). I get it we all have a past, some a bit more complicated that have resulted in affecting others lives in a way that you may not have realized until it was too late, and now I see them challenged due to my choices they had no control over. I battle with the food issue every day, I know so many that deal with their craziness through other ways. Food Alcohol Drugs Phones Gaming Shopping Exercise A battle is a battle. It is a control thing for sure. My mind is out of control and food is my go to and comfort even though I feel horrible when I eat crap. I try to convin...